My projects

Day 131

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This is what I did for project day today. Took a little while but I got it. First I had to figure out a background that I ended up changing at the end. The two people I had to add a layer mask and hide the background and kinda fade both of them and for the stars. Then for the “a” I pretty much did the same thing but had to change it to overlay to get the color I wanted. In the background I had to paint in black so I could get the color behind the guy on the left.

Day 125

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Project Thursday again. For this Image I actually used 4 different backgrounds blended together and then the three images. I had all of them blended together to make this look. Then add a few effects and used the patch tool to get rid of a few makes from some of the backgrounds.

Day 121

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Friday again thank god!!! Project day!!!! I decided to make this today. First I started with the background picture and added the flag to it and changed it to overlay to blend in how it does and then add the arms at the bottom as the arms of the Freedom Fighters. I didn’t really do much but there was a lot of effects to get the image this way. Hope ya guys like it and I’ll see ya next week.

Day 120

Well today was somewhat a project day so I worked on an old project I never really finished

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I didn’t really do much to but I brightened up the colors and contrast and rearranged a few things a little. Then tried to blend them more but failed.

Day 116

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Today Is the last day before spring break. Finally!! But for Project day I created this. I add like 4 backgrounds on top of each other just to that color. Then was able add a bit of graffiti to it and black and white textures to a few things and then Out came this awesome looking poster. “If you want to achieve greatness. Stop asking for permission”

Day 112

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Well Friday again. Sadly I didn’t finish the project yet. Hopefully I can finish next week. But on this project I actually did stuff. First I got my background. Then add another one over it kinda blended to it so its a little darker like construction paper. Then I add a few images, Brightened them up, changed them all to a different overlay and blend them all into the background. Ill finish this sometime tho

Day 107

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Friday Again 😀

Today I figured I’d make a graffiti wall. Mostly all I did was delete the background of the images/drawings and then changed them all to Multiply in the layers panel. Then darkened or used the sharpen tool on specific images.  I didn’t do much actually but I think it looks cool

Day 97

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Well first day back and i decided to work on the valentine project.  But I wanted to mix it up a little and put the sad side of valentines day because not everybody is all happy and lovey dovey on valentines.

Day 88

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Friday again! So that means Project day. I made another American Horror Story poster. This time it’s about all monsters are humans to. Anyone can be a monster, doesn’t matter what they look like. I didn’t do anything special to this poster but the usual adding pictures and editing them a bit.

Day 79

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Well it’s Friday again and that means Project Day!!! I decided to make an American Horror Story poster with my favorite character from it, Tate. I pretty much just put a bunch a pictures together and then barely edited them.On the pictures I did the most on wear the pictures of Tate. I used the sharpen tool and the burn and dodge to lighten and darken the image.


Day 74

evil withing

Today was the first project day THIS year. So I decided to make a poster for the new game I got over break called The Evil Within. Amazing game but this was actually a pain to make. The hand was on a whole different picture, so I went through and had to use the tiny eraser to get rid of the background all along the scratch marks and around the hand and go back with the sharpen tool and actually every picture. I pretty much just add the other pictures then got rid of their backgrounds.


Bro Poster


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Another Project

Bro Poster

NFL project

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