Photoshop CC One-on-One: Intermediate

Day 57

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Today I finished up chapter 16. I added a few more layer effects more like a lot. Then I just changed the wording for the last picture. Don’t really have much to say about this one because all I did was add layer effects to it. Looks awesome tho!!

Day 52

Where we left offScreen Shot 2014-11-17 at 9.31.04 AM

Today I finished chapter 15 and some of 16 in Photoshop CC One-on-One: Intermediate Again… I got to work with this image again. and In These photos you probably can’t see it that well but I added a little sparkle to her hand. Then  I also replaced the line behind her head to make in smother and not pixels by drawing to custom shapes and learning to crop, adjust, and merge the shapes together to get the shape I wanted. Then I learned how to save a Resolution-independent PDF file. All last how to make the small image into a huge one.

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This is what I got down in chapter 16 so far. I learned about imparting depth with a layer effect and about the power of drop shadow.  Then changed the text and realigned it to make it look like the shadow is being cast on the image. Then in the second picture I mostly just learned how to modify the layer and its effects! Effects can change a whole lot really fast!

Day 50

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Today I finished chapter 14 in Photoshop  CC One-on-One: Intermediate. I got to learn a whole lot about the text tool and how to mask text into image elements. But all I did was mostly add text to the magazine.  Would be handy if I did this chapter before  I made my magazine cover!! Oh well…. to late now. Today was fun tho!!

Day 49

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Today I finished chapter 11 and some of chapter 12 in Photoshop CC One-on-One: Intermediate.  The first three pictures is what I learned in chapter 11. I learned how to extend the grass by using content-aware move tool. The second picture of the girl I learned how to stretch the image and protecting the skin tones. In the next image I learned how to do multiple passes in scaling to get the perfect looking stretched image.

Sundial at Saint-RémyScreen Shot 2014-11-12 at 9.28.31 AM

These two picture are what I got to do in chapter 12. I learned how to control the levels adjustments to brighten the shadows and contrast.

Macro butterflyScreen Shot 2014-11-12 at 10.35.12 AM

And this is what I got to do in chapter 13 so far. All I did was learn different ways to sharpen the image in smart sharpen

Day 47

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In chapter 11 in Photoshop CC One-on-One: Intermediate they showed me how to quickly just patch the torn wing of the butterfly/moth using the patch tool and content-aware.

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